tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2013

Frogs from faraway countries. Sammakkoja kaukaa.

These Gorgeous Frogs traveled all the way from Singapore, from Sans to me in Finland ! These are very brilliant and shiny, "jade" and "golden" frogs, I haven`t ever before seen anything like these. Sans told me these two used to be part of her own Frog -collection! And she also told that these Frogs will bring me lots of Luck!
"These frogs are Chinese feng shui money frogs.They are very specifically styled like them sitting on a bunch of coins and in their mouths are coins as well. There are some rules about where you must place them if you want fortunes to come rolling.."

 Thank you Sans, I Love them!

Just want to tell you about the travels of a frog who visits many places, also Singapore :)
Edellä olevasta linkistä voit tutustua erääseen matkustavaan sammakkoon joka käy mm Singaporessa :)

Nämä Upeat Sammakot matkustivat luokseni Suomeen kaukaa Sans`n luota Singaporesta! Sammakot ovat erittäin loistavia ja kiiltäviä, "Jadea" ja "kultaa",  en ole koskaan ennen nähnyt tällaisia. Sans kertoi että nämä kaksi ovat osa hänen omaa sammakkokokoelmaansa! Ja hän kertoi myös, että nämä sammakot tuovat minulle paljon onnea! Kiitos Sans, ne ovat suloisia!

4 kommenttia:

  1. I am really thrilled you love these frogs, Kikka. I think they are very lucky to have you and hopefully, they bring you some luck.

    I love that post about Kermit in Singapore :):). So when are you travelling here? The frogs from this part of the world is quite outstanding !

  2. Dear Kikka,
    Now you have good luck frogs and fertility frogs. What more can a person ask for? Congratulations for Sans' beautiful gifts!
    Hugs, Drora

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